v 1.5.18
- Updated visuals to make some backgrounds non transparent
v 1.5.17
- Fixed Float property node looking wrong in Unity 2022
v 1.5.16 Vertex Stage support
- Added range to float properties
- Added Vertex Normal output node
- Added Vertex Normal input node
- Added Vertex Position input node
- Added Vertex Position output node
- Added Vertex Position node
- Added One Minus node
- Added Property feature for float range
- Added Property feature property drawers.
Added Graph Editor documentation.
Updated loading to make loading more reliable.
- Introduced concept for Vertex vs Fragment code
- Added errors for using invalid nodes in the wrong context
- Fixed bug where removing the active AngrySF module from the graph editor would leave it in an odd state
Internal Details
- Now uses UnityContainer dependency injection (not related to Unity Engine despite the name)
- Updated namespaces in C#
v 1.4.0 Preview node
- Added Preview Node
v 1.3.0 Proximity / Camera Distance
- Added Camera Distance support
- Renamed full send button
v 1.2.0 Masks and Read Property
- Added Global Mask support
- Added Read Property support
- Fixed Nodes with types selectable from a Popup from showing up incorrectly.
- Replaced code that should not be publicly accessible (in the C# sense) with a public call to AddPort This refactoring should result in fewer graphical issues with nodes.
v 1.1.1 Atan2
Added Atan2 and fixed the split node
v 1.0.2 Initial release
The initial release.